Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2016

La qualità della vita come dimensione non ignorabile nelle valutazioni cliniche ed economiche2016-298T
Landmark-based navigation in birds2016-264T
Language and affordances2016-155T
The language of memory2016-30T
Les langues du théâtre italien contemporain2016-739T
Large woody debris in river channels-hazard and dynamics2016-640T
Large-scale networks2016-523T
Laser based processes in modern production system2016-713T
Laser devices and systems for industrial and biomedical applications2016-567T
I leader politici su Facebook2016-65T
Lecturas de Tucídides en España y Chile desde el siglo 14. hasta hoy2016-779T
Legacy effects of former charcoal kiln sites on the forest vegetation in Mediterranean area2016-258T
Legal and practical aspects of the Palestinian national authority joining the WTO2016-119T
Il lessico del dialetto di Polia (VV)2016-157T
Lessons learned from past accidents2016-621T
Il Libellus de impletione loci di Francesco Maurolico e la tassellazione dello spazio2016-172T
Libro dei sette savi di Roma2016-162T
Linfociti Th172016-352T
Lipid oxidation in fish and fish products of interest for European aquaculture2016-673T
La liquidazione dell’individuo e il nuovo tipo umano2016-49T
Local dynamics in complex networks2016-204T
Low power wireless sensor network2016-500T
Vergaro, Alexandra.
Large woody debris in river channels-hazard and dynamics : dissertation / by Alexandra Vergaro ; professorial advisors: E. Caporali, A. Dittrich. [Firenze], 2014.
   1 volume : ill.
   Sul frontespizio: Dissertation submitted to and approved by the Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, University of Braunschweig, Institute of Technology and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Florence in candidacy for the degree of doktor-ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.), dottore di ricerca in mitigation of risk due to natural hazards on structures and infrastructures. In testa al frontespizio: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Università degli studi Firenze. 
Altro autore:   
   Università degli studi di Firenze : Dipartimento di ingegneria civile e ambientale
   Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
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BNI 2016-640T